Motor Ramah Lingkungan Piaggio Hybrid USB

Pabrikan motor asal Italia, Piaggio mengeluarkan konsep USB terbaru mereka di
Milan, Italia.

Eits, jangan salah sangka dulu, USB yang dimaksud disini bukanlah USB flash
drive yang ada pada komputer, melainkan motor konsep terbaru dari Piaggio yang
merupakan kepanjangan dari Urban Sport Bike.

Motor ini sempat diperkenalkan di ajang pameran motor The 67th International Bicycle
and Motorcycle Show (Eicma) di Milan. USB diklaim sebuah motor skutik yang memiliki kenyamanan layaknya ketika mengendarai mobil.

Hebatnya lagi, motor ini ternyata juga tidak mau kalah dengan mobil-mobil konsep yang saat ini banyak keluar dan menyuguhkan teknologi hybrid sebagai penggeraknya.

Sebab Piaggio USB teryata juga diaktifkan oleh dua mesin yakni mesin bensin dua-stroke dengan direct injection ditambah dengan motor listrik yang berguna untuk menggerakan roda belakang.

Seperti detikOto kutip dari motorcycle, Selasa (17/11/2009), USB diklaim dapat menyemburkan torsi hingga 47 lb-ft dan berjalan dengan tenaga listrik sampai sejauh 31 mil pada kecepatan 37 mph atau sekitar 60 km/jam.

Karena itulah Piaggio berani mengatakan bahwa USB adalah sebuah motor menawarkan perjalanan menyenangkan namun tetap ramah pada lingkungan.

Motor Terlaris Bulan Oktober 2009

Honda Absolute Revo Motor Terlaris Oktober 2009
Jakarta - Motor-motor Honda dan Yamaha merajai penjualan motor di tanah air, keduanya pada bulan Oktober lalu menguasai pasar roda dua hingga 93 persen.

Namun apakah motor-motor paling laris di bulan Oktober? Ternyata motor bebek Honda Absolute Revo menjadi motor paling laris di Indonesia selama bulan Oktober lalu.

Sebab di bulan Oktober silam, Absolute Revo terlihat begitu perkasa dengan penjualan mencapai 114.435 unit, jauh meninggalkan para pesaingnya dan menjadi satu-satunya tipe motor yang dapat menembus penjualan hingga 100 ribu unit lebih.

Di posisi kedua baru motor tanpa gigi alias skutik andalan Yamaha, Mio, yang mengintai bersama dengan Vega ZR di posisi ketiga dengan penjualan masing-masing 97.110 unit dan 58.133 unit.

Sementara duo skutik Honda yakni Vario dan BeAT tampak kompak dengan mengantungi penjualan masing-masing sebanyak 50.463 unit dan 49.585 unit serta mengantarkan keduanya di posisi empat dan lima.

Menurut data penjualan wholesales Asosiasi Industri Sepeda Motor Indonesia (AISI) yang detikOto terima, Jumat (13/11/2009), dalam daftar 10 motor terlaris bulan Oktober yang kami susun, kedua pabrikan tersebut nampaknya telah berhasil menyingkirkan lawan mereka.

Namun meski mendominasi posisi lima teratas jajaran motor terlaris bulan Oktober, pasukan Honda ternyata kalah banyak dengan Yamaha di 10 besar motor terlaris.

Sebab bila Honda menyumbangkan 4 produk mereka dalam daftar 10 motor terlaris, Yamaha tampil lebih banyak dengan 6 produknya meskipun dalam total penjualan bulanan maupun tahunan Honda masih memimpin pasar Indonesia.

Berikut daftar 10 motor terlaris di bulan Oktober.

  1. Honda Absolute Revo:  114.435 unit
  2. Yamaha Mio :  97.110
  3. Yamaha Vega :  58.133
  4. Honda Vario :  50.463
  5. Honda BeAT :  49.585
  6. Honda Supra X 125 :  45.772
  7. Yamaha Mio Soul : 35.982
  8. Yamaha Jupiter MX : 34.420
  9. Yamaha Jupiter Z : 32.374
  10. Yamaha V-ixion : 19.429
Sumber :

Monstrac SBK Bakal Saingi Kawasaki Ninja 250

Jakarta - Kawasaki Ninja 250 boleh hadir dengan segala aura sportinya. Namun, bicara harga jual, banyak kalangan berpikir ulang untuk memilikinya.

Mengambil celah itulah, Monstrac sebagai pabrikan asal Korea mencoba menawarkan sensasi sebuah motor sport yang diberi nama Monstrac SBK, namun dengan harga setengah dari Nija 250, yaitu hanya Rp 24 juta On The Road.

"Kita memang menyasar pasar Ninja 250, untuk memberikan alternatif sebuah motor sport yang terjangkau," ujar Sales Marketing Monstrac, Juandi, ketika ditemui detikOto di Jakarta Automotive Fair, di JIEXpo Kemayoran, Jakarta.

Dibekali kapasitas mesin yang sama, yakni 250 cc 4 stroke, oil cooler, hanya saja Monstrac SBK hanya 1 silinder, bukan 2 silinder seperti Ninja 250.

Desainnya yang sporti dengan dual headlamp, serta suspensi hydrolik yang dinamis, menjadikan Monstrac SBK yang dirakit di pabriknya di kawasan Cengkareng ini bisa menjadi alternatif lain sebuah motor sport.


Motor Bertenaga Nuklir, Serem...

Paris - Nuklir ternyata tidak hanya bisa digunakan untuk pembangkit listrik ataupun sebagai senjata. Nuklir ternyata ada manfaatnya untuk kendaraan roda dua.

Seperti dikutip topspeed, Sabtu (28/11/2009), nuklir, di tangan perancang roda dua asal Prancis yakni Romain Herment ternyata dapat dimanfaatkan. Fusi nuklir akan memungkinkan energi nuklir menjadi sumber listrik untuk menggerakan mesin motor.

Romain menyebutnya Motorbike 2050 Version 2 atau sepeda motor 2050 versi 2. Sepeda motor yang diakuinya sangat keren dan begitu banyak detail yang menarik untuk masa datang.

Sepeda motor itu membutuhkan deuterium dan tritium. Kedua unsur-unsur elemen alami itulah yang dibutuhkan oleh mesin temuannya.

Untuk diketahui Romain membuat konsumen konsumsi bahan bakar pada motor temuannya sangat efisien, seefisien 1 liter air per 100 Km. Waw.

Selanjutnya, Romain menyatakan berat mesin motor bertenaga nuklir itu cukup ringan dan hanya 55 kg. Jauh lebih ringan dari sepeda motor kelas bebek yang menjamur di Indonesia.


Modifikasi Motor Gokil Unik Beraroma Gothic

Modifikasi Motor Gokil Unik Beraroma Gothic

Gokil Banget Neh Modifikasi Motornya Bro..!!Liat ja seperti bergaya gothic ya...Sumpah!!kreatif banget nih yang memodif motornya..

Referensi Memodifikasi Motor Skuter






Gambar modifikasi skuter2 diatas saya dapatkan dari member kaskus, kebetulan banyak dari mereka yang hobi memodifikasi skuter2nya. Bagi rekan2 yang ingin memodifikasi motor skuternya, bisa menjadikan gambar diatas sebagai referensinya. Viva Modifikasi...

Early Railroad

Early postcards have always fascinated me. Especially when the subject matter is railroading. I like them best when the trains are in action and traveling through great American landscapes.

Here are a few from my personal collection. The first postcard is postmarked 1922 and shows the SP railroad ferry (info below). The others date between 1900 and 1920.

Southern Pacific Railroad - Ferryboat "Solano" Port Costa
Benicia, California - Largest Ferry Boat in the world.

San Francisco Bay - The San Francisco Belt Railroad had slip at Pier 43 which allowed interchange with the Northwestern Pacific, the Western Pacific, and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroads.

Suisun Bay - The Central Pacific Railroad built a ferry that operated between Benicia and Port Costa, California from 1879 to 1930. (Southern Pacific)

Cape Horn and American River, California
Ogden Route - Southern Pacific Railroad.

Mt. Washington and Mt. Adams from Frankenstein
White Mountains, New Hampshire.

Sacramento River at Shasta Springs, California.

The Hunter and the Hunted - McKeel Hagerty

A reflection from McKeel Hagerty -

"This photo was taken last week in a farmer's field in South Dakota. The truck is an International and it won't be moving under its own power ever again. The hunter is a guy who seems to shoot with his eyes completely closed…but that is another story.

As I reflect on this truck I wonder how many cool old vehicles like this are sinking into the ground in farmer's fields. They are not valuable "barn finds" or hidden gems but rather the detritus of another time, a utility vehicle that lost its utility. This one probably spent its years of use hauling light loads around the fields of Kennebec, SD. It was probably inexpensive, it had no creature comforts and it served its purpose. Maybe it hauled blind shooters like me around on hunts of yesteryear but it never drove in a parade. As I drove around from farmstead to farmstead over a few days, I think I answered my own question; there are tens and likely hundreds of thousands of lost vehicles like this. Evidently, their only use these days is target practice.

It makes me realize that the vehicles we insure are truly an elite group, each with an elevated purpose. Even if a collector car of today was originally a utility vehicle like this International truck or a salesman's sedan or a plain-Jane four-door hard top, it is now a cherished object for someone and it made the cut. There is, after all, a kind of natural selection with the cars we drive. In their days of active use, the first ones are likely lost to traffic accidents or acts of God. The ones that make it a few more years are repaired and maintained and then slowly retired or traded in or scrapped. Only a few are saved from the scrap heaps and fields of South Dakota to be preserved or restored and then elevated to a new use of providing smiles, fueling egos, getting girls, winning races and trophies or just putting in a few scenic miles on a Sunday afternoon. There are likely only single-digit millions of these rare machines left in the entire world and their kind will likely never be made again. We at Hagerty are the trustees of the most cherished vehicles ever built and I, for one, promise never accidentally to shoot one again."

McKeel Hagerty wrote this blog to the employees of Hagerty Insurance on his recent experience. Thank you, for sharing your reflection with other collectors in classic car hobby.

Happy Thanksgiving

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and a great Holiday Season. And please do what you can to Support Our Troops. This is the time of year when it is always the toughest for our men and women in the military. Especially the ones so far away from home.

Picture taken by me at a Turkey Farm outside Manti, Utah in 1976.

2 Years Ago

Today marks the 2nd Anniversary of my blog. It all started with this picture of my pal Bruno. Unfortunately he is no longer here to make me smile. But that is life and you have to deal with it, as difficult as that may be sometimes.

This blog is a yard stick of how fast time flies, when you're having fun. Thanks to all of you who have commented and taken an interest in my little project. All is appreciated, Richard.

7th Annual Christmas-For-Kids Car & Truck Show

The 7th Annual Christmas-For-Kids Car & Truck Show was a hit with over 550 classics, street rods, muscle cars and modern collectables spreading across the Hendrick Motorsports campus.

There isn't enough time in the day to speak with every classic car owner to hear their unique story behind their classic. Enthusiasts traveled from Louisiana, Virginia, South Carolina and further to have the opportunity to participate in the show event organized by the Carolina Camaro Association (

Click on the video to view this amazing 1977 Pontiac Trans AM 6.6 Liter. The owner of the classic mentioned he owned a '78 "back in the day," and finally had the opportunity to purchase this '77 ten years ago for $2,800!

This was one of my favorite streetrods at the show. This is a '48 Cadillac! The sleek design of the exterior and interior really makes this streetrod stand out from the crowd.

It was incredible to witness all the classic cars parked while driving down the hill into the Hendrick Motorsports campus! The Carolina Camaro Association ( and Hendrick Motorsports ( did a great job organizing this event, and encouraged enthusiasts participation throughout the day. Congratulations on a successful event! Classic car shows and cruise-ins do not end in the Southeast!

See you at the next show!

Motel USA

Lee's Motor Court - 1 Mile from the Hermitage, Home of Andrew Jackson - 14 Modern Stone Cottages, each with Private Bath, Tub or Shower, Innerspring Matress, Radio, Fan, Heat - Restaurant, Sandwiches, Steak, Chicken and Country Ham - Service Station on Premises.

Ranch House Motel - On U.S. 10 - 1201 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana - 11 Delux units, individual thermostatically controlled heat, tubs and showers. Free radios, Air Conditioned. Surrounded by beautiful mountain scenery.

Minnehaha Motor Lodge - 1905 East Lincolnway, Cheyenne, Wyoming - Cheyenne's Finest Famous for Hospitality - Simmons Beautyrest and Englander Airfoam beds - Air cooled, Childrens playground - Just a half mile from Heart of Town in a quiet section. This establishment is recommended by Duncan Hines (1948).

El Rancho Motor Hotel - 2201 4th Avenue - U.S. Highway 80 - Yuma, Arizona - The Motel That Pleases - Continental Breakfast, Heated Pool, Free T.V., 34 Units, Room Telephones, Refrigeration, Suites - Diner's Club, American Express, Carte Blanche.

GREEN TREE - VICTORVILLE, CALIFORNIA - The Green Tree Inn and Country Club is one of the most popular in the Victorville area. Here where settlers pushed west a hundred years ago, a land where inland Indians walked to trade with the coast Indians on the Santa Ana River near the present town of Colton, a land where the Mormon Battalion, under Capt. Hunt in 1851 settled in the San Bernardino Valley, golfers play golf or relax alongside the pool. The area was once known as Morman Crossing around the 1880's later to be called Victor only to change to Victorville. From 1914 to 1937 over 200 western pictures were filmed here.

Editors Note: The photograph for the Green Tree postcard was taken by Merle Porter. He also wrote all the text for his postcards. He was a one man postcard production company producing and distributing millions of cards over a 50 year career.

Known as "The Postcard King of the West," Porter was on the road at least 9 months a year, distributing cards to remote motels, gas stations and souvenir shops, while constantly shooting images for new cards with his 4x5 Speed Graphic camera.

Motel USA

Lee's Motor Court - 1 Mile from the Hermitage, Home of Andrew Jackson - 14 Modern Stone Cottages, each with Private Bath, Tub or Shower, Innerspring Matress, Radio, Fan, Heat - Restaurant, Sandwiches, Steak, Chicken and Country Ham - Service Station on Premises.

Ranch House Motel - On U.S. 10 - 1201 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana - 11 Delux units, individual thermostatically controlled heat, tubs and showers. Free radios, Air Conditioned. Surrounded by beautiful mountain scenery.

Minnehaha Motor Lodge - 1905 East Lincolnway, Cheyenne, Wyoming - Cheyenne's Finest Famous for Hospitality - Simmons Beautyrest and Englander Airfoam beds - Air cooled, Childrens playground - Just a half mile from Heart of Town in a quiet section. This establishment is recommended by Duncan Hines (1948).

El Rancho Motor Hotel - 2201 4th Avenue - U.S. Highway 80 - Yuma, Arizona - The Motel That Pleases - Continental Breakfast, Heated Pool, Free T.V., 34 Units, Room Telephones, Refrigeration, Suites - Diner's Club, American Express, Carte Blanche.

GREEN TREE - VICTORVILLE, CALIFORNIA - The Green Tree Inn and Country Club is one of the most popular in the Victorville area. Here where settlers pushed west a hundred years ago, a land where inland Indians walked to trade with the coast Indians on the Santa Ana River near the present town of Colton, a land where the Mormon Battalion, under Capt. Hunt in 1851 settled in the San Bernardino Valley, golfers play golf or relax alongside the pool. The area was once known as Morman Crossing around the 1880's later to be called Victor only to change to Victorville. From 1914 to 1937 over 200 western pictures were filmed here.

Editors Note: The photograph for the Green Tree postcard was taken by Merle Porter. He also wrote all the text for his postcards. He was a one man postcard production company producing and distributing millions of cards over a 50 year career.

Known as "The Postcard King of the West," Porter was on the road at least 9 months a year, distributing cards to remote motels, gas stations and souvenir shops, while constantly shooting images for new cards with his 4x5 Speed Graphic camera.

Vintage Los Angeles

When you get a chance, check out some great Vintage Los Angeles pictures posted by Ryan @ Ryan's Neat Stuff Blog. FANTASTIC !!!

Pea Soup Andersen's Restaurant - LA 1964

Great Airliners

National Airlines DC-8 at Miami International Airport
Florida, December 27, 1970.

Eastern Air Lines DC-8 at John F. Kennedy International
Airport - New York, May 28, 1972.

United Airlines Boeing 737 at Atlanta International
Airport - Georgia, August 11, 1976.

Republic Airlines Boeing 727 with original Hughes Air West
paint job at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
Arizona, March 16, 1981.

USAir Boeing 727 at Los Angeles International Airport
California, February 19, 1988.

TWA Boeing 727 with St. Louis Rams paint scheme at
St. Louis International Airport - Missouri, October 1, 1996.

LINK: For more information on transportation visit George W. Hamlin on the Web.


KAWASAKI FURY 125CC MotorShow 2009 at Gaisano Mall of Davao


Machine type: 4-step valve SOHC 2
Cilinder number of cc : 124.6cc
Diameter x Step: 56 x 50.6mm
Comparison of Compression: 9.8: 1
Maximum power: 9.9 PS/8000 rpm
Maximum Torque: 8.6 Nm/6000 rpm
Carburettor: Keihin PB18
Starter Starter system: Kick Starter & Electric Starter
Transmission types: Type Rotari
Number of transmission: 4-speed
Pattern transfer Tooth: N-1-2-3-4-N (Rotary)
Gear Type Final Reduction System: Gear
Gear ratio Ke1 3,000 (36/12)
Ke2 1,938 (31/16)
Ke3 1,350 (27/20)
Ke4 1,087 (25/23)
Final Drive System: Chain Drive
Overall drive ratio: 9634 @ TopGear
Ignition system: DC-CDI
Lubricant system: Forced Lubrication
Filter oil system: DFLS (Double Filter Lubrication System)
Lubricant capacity: 1.1 liter
Type of machine oil: API SE, SG, or SF / SAE
Spark plug : NGK C6HSA
Type: Full Frame
Front: Teleskopik - Fork
Back Suspension: Swing Arm Monoshock
Length x width x height: 1,920 x 695 x 970 mm
Distance axis Wheel: 1.240mm
Seat height: 150mm
Julur Depan : 280mm Home back: 280mm
Julur Belakang : 400mm Back back: 400mm
Maximum weight: 104 kg
Front brake: hydraulic, single disc, 2 piston caliper
Back brake: hydraulic, single disc, 2 piston caliper
Tank Capacity: 5.2 liter
Baggage capacity: 4.5 liter
Handle Bar length: 6.95mm
Turn the Corner Bar Handle: 42.5 ⁰
Dimension Front Tire: 70/90-17
Dimensions: Rear Tire 80/90-17
Front 2.50-17 4PR
Rear 2.75-17 4PR
Wheel rim: Cast Aluminum Alloy Wheel
Saat Pembukaan Katup : When Opening Valves:
Open: 20 ⁰ before TMA
Closed: 60 ⁰ after TMB
Duration: 260 ⁰
Exhaust : Exhaust:
Open: 55 ⁰ before TMA
Closed: 25 ⁰ after TMB
Duration: 260 ⁰
Battery: 12V5 AH
Type: Semi Sealed beam
Head lamp: 12V (18/18W) X2
Brake light / brake: 12V (5/18W)
Type: Outer rotor
Average output: 1.6A/16V @ 6000rpm
When ignition: From 10 ⁰ before the TMA @ 1,200 rpm up to 31.5 ⁰ before the TMA @ 4500 rpm
Color: Black metallic, Lime Green, Blue metallic

Chrome Lamborghini Tuning Sport Car

Chrome Lamborgini Tuning Sport Car



Anda pasti menduga, basis motor ini buatan Jepang. Keliru besar. Justru, aslinya produksi China, dari merek Dayang. Bahkan, model aslinya adalah bebek.

Motor ini milik Aditya Wisnu Wardana asal Banyumas, Jawa Tengah. Ia pengin motornya dirombak jadi supermoto. Untuk penggarapan, hal itu dipercayakan kepada Suswanto dari rumah modifikasi Billy Custom (BC).

Sebagai penyebar virus WJS, Suswanto tetap memberi sentuhan streetfighter pada motor buatan 2006 ini. Niatnya, motor ini pengin dibikin full streetfighter. Namun, Adit ingin gaya supermoto karena motornya sering dipakai wara-wiri Purbalingga-Purwokerto. Jadi, ia butuh motor multifungsi untuk mobilitas tinggi dan gaya," terang Wanto, panggilan gaul Suswanto.

Dari bebek jadi model supermoto jelas dibutuhkan banyak perubahan, termasuk rancang bangun kerangka. Secara material, kerangka asli perlu diganti. Bahkan, bagian atas underbone pada kerangka utama ditambahi material yang lebih kuat. Titik utamanya di belakang komstir, lantas ditarik ke belakang hingga bagian bawah jok.

Tulang baru itu multifungsi. Selain sebagai dudukan tangki dan jok, tulang baru itu sekaligus jadi rangka utama yang baru. Dengan begitu, motor tampak lebih kokoh. Agar tampilan tambah sangar, Wanto menambah deltabox variasi dari bahan pipa 2 inci, membuat bagian tengah tampak padat.

Perubahan Bodi saja, tanpa diimbangi ubahan pada kaki-kaki, tentu tidak mendapatkan hasil sempurna. Untuk kaki-kaki depan, bagian itu dikanibal dari Honda GL-Pro dengan pertimbangan lebih kuat dan lebih jangkung. Bentuk ini cocok untuk membangun bentuk supermoto. (Andika)

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